
Now Best 4 Your Baby is Bebizon!

Now Best 4 Your Baby is Bebizon!

A big dream and months of work!

It is a time to announce our rebranding!
Now Best 4 Your Baby is Bebizon.

We changed our name!
We changed our offer!
But we do not change our mission - happy parenting!
We proud to be an official exclusive partner of Anex Baby Strollers in the United States!

No more boring colors!
European, elegant, stylish, unique, high quality baby strollers from brand Anex are almost here!

More info on our website
Anex Official website
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🔸Heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, is a type of rash that occurs in newborns because their sweat glands, not fully developed, are easily blocked.

▪️Looks like small red to clear, pinpointed bumps;

▪️May be accompanied by an itching or burning sensation;

▪️The neck, shoulders, and chest are the most common places for prickly heat to appear;

▪️Folds of skin and places where clothing rubs baby skin are also areas where prickly heat might pop up;

▪️It’s the most common in the summer, when weather is hot and wet. Tight or too-warm clothing can make it worse;

▪️Heat rash usually goes away on its own within a few days without treatment. Do not use rash creams on the skin unless a doctor recommends a specific cream. A heat rash is not an allergic reaction, and it is not dry skin.

▪️In rare cases, heat rashes can become infected, especially if a baby scratches them. An infected heat rash may cause a fever and other signs of illness.

If a baby has a fever or seems sick, see a doctor.

▪️You can relieve unpleasant symptoms by taking a cool shower and letting the skin dry.

Stay healthy🌿

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🔸Benefit № 1: Conditions
The min recommended temperature for bathing children should be + 22 ° C (for children 2-3 years old - + 24 ° C).
👉🏻Bathing time is from 2-3 to 10 minutes. It is better to swim a few times with an interval of 30 minutes.
🔸Benefit № 2: Preventing colds
The sea air is a real salvation after the intent and polluted city air.
🔸Benefit № 3: Normalization of metabolism
Physical activity plus increased heat transfer in cool water - has a beneficial effect on metabolism.
🔸Benefit № 4: Strengthening the nervous system
Advice: after swimming in the sea, a so-called "salt coat" forms on the body, for a long time it affects the nerve endings and has a calming effect.
🔸Benefit № 5: Healing properties of sea water
Salt "reinforcement" is useful for diseases of the respiratory, nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, and skin diseases.
🔸Benefit № 6: Positive Impact on Child's Intellectual Development
Parents often report a leap in children's development after traveling.
Have you ever noticed how swimming in the sea water affects your baby?
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During the vacation and travel season, motion sickness may be a real problem😥

What causes motion sickness?

🔸Your brain receives signals from motion-sensing parts of your body: your eyes, inner ears, muscles and joints. When these parts send conflicting information, your brain doesn't know whether you're stationary or moving (for example we’re sitting still in the car, but the picture outside the window is changing rapidly). Your brain's confused reaction makes you feel sick.
🔸When traveling on water, motion sickness is caused by a vessel's erratic motion on the water.
🔸The airplane does not have these conditions, but many passengers also get sick on the plane.

👉🏻The most susceptible to motion sickness are children (generally between the age of two and 12 years old).

🔸Symptoms that occur during motion sickness: headache, dizziness, pale skin, anxiety, crying and irritability in young children, stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting and sweating.

🔸What recommendations do experts give to alleviate the situation:

✔️Distract kids by talking, singing, listening to music
✔️Make sure you have plenty of fresh air
✔️Take breaks during your trip
✔️Try to close your eyes and breathe deeply, focusing on breathing
✔️You shouldn’t read a book or surf the internet while moving
✔️It’s not recommended to look at moving objects such as passing cars or waves. Better look at an earth-fixed object
✔️Try planning short trips while your baby sleeps
✔️Plan your diet: don’t eat a lot just before the trip, and strongly spicy food is also not recommended.

What other effective methods have you used?

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1. Prune-Walnut candy

👉🏻 200 gr. prunes
👉🏻 5 pcs. walnuts
👉🏻 1 tsp. orange peel
👉🏻 any sweetener
👉🏻 0.5 tsp. cocoa powder

Pour prunes with water and let stand for 10 minutes. Grind prunes in a blender. Chop the nuts finely, add them to the prunes, then add the orange peel, cocoa and sweetener. Put it into a mold, put in the refrigerator for an hour. Dice the dessert before serving.

2. Balls

👉🏻 100 gr. dates
👉🏻 60 gr. cashew
👉🏻 45 gr. raisins
👉🏻15 gr. cocoa powder

Grind all ingredients in a blender. Form balls. Refrigerate candies for an hour.

3. Raffaello

👉🏻 coconut flakes - 1 cup
👉🏻 coconut oil - 100 gr.
👉🏻 almond - 10 pcs.
👉🏻 a pinch of vanilla
👉🏻 some honey or any other sweetener.

Melt the butter over the water bath, stirring gradually, add coconut flakes, sweetener and vanilla to the butter for taste. Add the mass to almonds, forming balls by putting the nuts in the center. Put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Tasty and healthy👌

What candies did you make for your babies?

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During the first year of life, your baby will grow and develop at an amazing speed. It is an important thing for newly parents to understand the development milestones of their baby. Growth and development includes not only the physical changes in your infant’s life, but as well changes in behavior and emotions. They begin to develop in the world around them. Skills such as taking a first step or smiling for the first time are called developmental milestones.  

Be ready with your camera. Because your baby’s first year is the most magical one.

The first year milestones include:

  • Rolling over
  • Reaching for objects
  • Sitting up
  • Crawling
  • Standing
  • Walking

By the end of the first month: most babies can focus on objects, hear very well, bring hands close to their mouth, and turn toward familiar sounds and voices.

By the end of their third month: raise head and chest, open and shut hands, grab and shake hand toys, smiling at the sound of your voice, kicking their legs when lying on their stomach, making more vowel sounds, recognizing familiar faces and objects from a distance, trying to imitate your facial expressions.

By the end of the sixth months: your baby is rolling from tummy to back, pushing down on legs when held in standing position, grabbing their feet, moving objects from one hand to another, showing interest in the food you’re eating, sitting up briefly without any support, playing and expressing displeasure when playtime stops, recognizing their name.

They are getting better and better at holding some objects. 6 months is the best time for your baby to hold spoon in their hands and to start feeding themselves with their hands.

By your baby’s first birthday: they can stand without any support, and some babies can even walk, explore objects by banging, throwing, and dropping them, saying some simple words, using a spoon to eat and a comb to brush hair (so they use objects correctly), understanding simple declaritive statements, copying your behaviors, putting objects into a container and then taking them out again, shaking their head “no” and waving “bye-bye”, playing peekaboo or looking for an object you’ve hidden.

There is no wide range when your baby should follow one of these milestones. Every baby is different and unique. All along the way, your baby’s pediatrician will be looking out for milestones and watching your baby’s progress.

Remember that some babies will do things earlier, while others will do them later. That is normal!

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s growth - always speak with your doctor!

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You have probably asked yourself a question what is better organic or regular formula? That’s because you care about your baby’s early nutrition. And making the right choice when it comes to baby formula is very important.

Organic foods are everywhere nowadays. As for infant formula, it is labeled organic if 95% of its ingredients come from biodynamic farms, that are banned from using GMOs, pesticides and synthetic ingredients.

Non-organic formulas do not require such regulations. That means that you actually do not know what is in your baby’s formula.

Organic and non-organic formulas are both suitable for infants. But organic one has additional health benefits.  

It is very important to pay high attention to the nutritional value of baby formula. Organic formulas have all these nutrients that help to create a healthy gut balance in your baby and strength immune system. Fatty acids that are in these formulas help with brain, cognitive and nerve development. It also contains probiotics and prebiotics that assist with brain development and keep your baby’s skin and lungs healthy. Some of organic formula ingredients such as Vitamin E and amino acids are keeping your baby’s energy levels within a healthy range.

Non-organic ones simply don’t provide the level of vitamins and minerals that your baby needs to thrive. 

Secondly, organic formulas are more expensive than non-organic. But sometimes the difference is only in few cents.

Organic formula doesn’t contain harmful chemicals, has tons of essential nutrients, and is free from potentially harmful ingredients. 

Remember, that the most important thing is ensuring that your baby is getting all the nutrients they need. 

Always check with your pediatrician to be sure they recommend the one you choose for your baby.

Visit our webpage with organic formula from European trusted brands .

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The time has come and you have decided to stop breastfeeding. You can breastfeed your baby for as long as you wish. But all good things as well come to the end. And breastfeeding is not an exception.

You have probably asked yourself two questions: When is the right time to stop breastfeeding your baby, and what is the best way to do it? In this article we will try to answer them.

First of all, you should know that it is recommended to breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months of their life. It provides the best nutrition and immunity for your baby.

 Breastfeeding is time for closeness and connection. And it is also very important after 6 months. Even if your baby is eating solids, breast milk or formula still has to be their main drink until they’re at least one year old. This is a must.

There are not right or wrong ways to stop breastfeeding, for lots of mothers and babies it happens gradually. But let’s have a look at few ways to make the weaning process easier for you and your baby.

If you make a decision to stop breastfeeding, follow these simple tips that may help you:

  • Try dropping a feeding every 3-5 days
  • Use breast pump or do it by hand. Try not to empty your breasts. You don’t want to trigger an increase in the supply!
  • Give your baby only one breast per feed. Try to fix a feeding routine and minimize breastfeeding.
  • Talk to your doctor about giving your baby formula.
  • Buy a supportive bra.

Remember, that it is very important to stop breastfeeding slowly. It helps to prevent problems like mastitis, overfull and hard breasts. Giving yourself time to slowly wean off breastfeeding will be more comfortable and less stressful. Increase the gaps between breastfeeds. Offer your baby some drink or feed your baby with formula.

Keep in mind too that breastfeeding is about more than just food for baby.

It’s important to stop breastfeeding when the time feels right for you. Whenever you choose to stop breastfeeding, be king to yourself and your baby. Whenever and however you stop breastfeeding, be gentle with yourself and your baby. This is very emotional for both of you. So do it with a deep care.

And remember that it is a new stage with your child.

If you need some help choosing the right formula for your baby visit this page

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It is one of the biggest and the most difficult decision for new parents: breastfeed or formula-fed your baby. No matter what you decide. This is a choice only for you and your baby. 

Breastfeeding is the nutrition for infants. But it may not be possible for all women. Infant formula is a healthy alternative with nutrients for babies’ healthy growth. 

Let’s look at each method, maybe it will help you to make the right choice for you and your baby. 

Breastmilk is good for your baby in many ways:

  • You do not pay for it.
  • It includes protein, carbohydrates, calcium and fat.
  •  It helps babies to resist illness.
  • Breastfeed babies are usually less gassy and constipated, because it is easily digested than formula.
  • It may raise your child's intelligence.
  • It may reduce the possibility of being overweight or the risk of developing asthma and other medical problems. Breastmilk is not just food, it protects your baby. 
  • It is available any time.
  • Breastfeeding is also good for moms; they have a low risk of breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes.
  • You can pump and it allows moms to feed in public or some family members can help you with a baby for a few hours.

Breastfeeding is a great experience with your baby. It is a perfect food for infants. 

Formula is also great choice for your baby:

  • It is very convenient and flexible. Anybody can feed your baby at any time.
  • Babysitter, your partner or some family members can help you. 
  • Schedule feedings are easier. 
  • You do not have to worry what you are eating and you can have a glass of wine anytime.
  • But the formula does not contain the same antibodies found in breast milk. 

Breastmilk and formula both provide energy, hydration and nutrients that are needed for your baby’s growth. They build the brain, digestive and immune systems. One of the benefits of breast milk over formula is that it’s a living fluid. It adapts to your baby’s changing lifestyle. 

Baby formula milk is made of  skimmed cow’s milk with added emulsifiers and stabilisers to help the oils and water mix when you make up the feed. 

In fact, breastfeeding saves you more time in general, as you don’t need to do as much washing up, sanitising, boiling water and prepping bottles of formula – your milk is always ready at the right temperature.

Many women decide on one method before the birth and then change their minds after their baby is born. It does not matter which way you choose: breastfeeding or formula feeding. The most important thing is that you and your baby feel good. 

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When time comes to feed your baby with formula, you have probably asked yourself a question what is the best one and if your newborn really need a formula containing DHA and ARA. First of all, let’s find out what are they DHA and ARA.

DHA means docosahexaenoic acid and ARA stands for arachidonic acid. These are long-chain fatty acids that are found in breastmilk, as well as in some foods, like fish or eggs. Each of them plays an important role in our body and health through the whole life.

DHA is well known as a form of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are major in central nervous system development.

The human body can make small amounts of DHA and ARA. However, both of them play a very important role in early brain and eye development. And you should know that the levels of DHA and ARA increase throughout the first two years of life.

Breastfeed babies get higher level of DHA and ARA in comparison to formula-fed infants. The chemical structure of extracted DHA and ARA isn’t the same as human DHA and ARA. But nevertheless almost all infant formulas are now fortified with pre-formed DHA and ARA. It is important to know that those babies who are taking formula with DHA and ARA have a reduced risk of skin and respiratory allergies. Moreover, babies who are fed with a formula containing DHA and ARA may have fewer respiratory illnesses. As well mothers with allergies which are feeding their babies with these supplements reduces the risk of asthma and wheezing in their infants.

There are no bad effects of supplementing infant formula with DHA and ARA. However, formula with DHA and ARA is the most helpful for premature infants. Because those babies who were born earlier are at the risk of DHA deficiency.

It is always difficult to make a decision which formula to give your baby. Some parents may not use it because formula with DHA and ARA are a little more expensive than formula without these supplements. But now almost all formulas contain DHA and ARA.

Formula-feeding mothers will need to make their own choice what they want to give their babies.

View our product table to see which European formulas have these fatty acids:

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Hiccups are something that can happen with everyone. It is usually nothing to worry.

Hiccups happen when a sudden force of an air hits the vocal cords. In response, the vocal cords close quickly, making the “hiccup” sound. It is normal for babies to have them from time to time. In fact, some of them have it before they are born – in mother’s womb.

There are few things, which you can do to prevent them or make your baby feel comfortable:

  • Burp your baby.

Take a break from feeding and burp your baby. It can get rid of excess gas that may be causing the hiccups. It is a good idea to burp breastfeeding baby while changing the breast and for bottle-fed babies- not only after feeding, but also periodically during the feeding.

  • Give a pacifier.

Sucking a pacifier may stop hiccupping, because it soothes a baby and relaxes the diaphragm.

  • Give gripe water.

Gripe water is a combination of water and herbs. It helps with stomach problems and colic. Because of stomach is responsible for hiccups, gripe water may help to stop it.

  • Rub the baby’s back.

Try rubbing your baby’s back in a circular motion to relax your newborn. It may stop the spasm that cause the hiccups.

  • Just wait.

More often, your baby’s hiccups will stop on its own. If they are not bothering you, just wait. If it does not stop on its own, call your doctor. Because hiccups may be a sign of other medical issues.

It is important to know that traditional hiccup cures do not work for infants.  Such as:

  • Pulling the tongue
  • Making a person jump
  • Startle the baby

It is not a good idea to do all of these. It could be dangerous and are unlikely to stop the hiccups in babies.

In general, hiccups are normal for babies. If it is frequent and it causes distress or other symptoms – contact your doctor.  

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Diarrhea is one of the most common childhood problems. It can be difficult to find out exactly what is causing it. If you have a newborn it is also not easy to tell the difference between normal poop and diarrhea.

Now let us talk about the most common causes of diarrhea.

  • Infection (virus, parasites or bacteria). Babies can catch germs that spread easily through contact with other children or playing with toys.
  • Milk Allergy. Newborns can get diarrhea from an allergy or sensitivity to the type of infant formula they begin to take.
  • Eating solid food. Every change in your baby’s diet can cause it. Especially if your baby is eating products that can cause food allergy.
  • Taking medication. Some medicines can upset your baby’s stomach and it causes loose stools.
  • Teething babies. They put everything into their mouth. Germs or bacteria on it can easily go into their body and can cause diarrhea.
  • Mum’s diet. Some food in your diet may cause allergy in your breastfed baby.

When a baby has diarrhea, fluids leave the body. Dehydration can be a risk. Contact your doctor if your baby has dry skin and mouth, is eating too little, has dry diapers (for 8 to 12 hours), has weak cry or is more irritated than usual.  

Here are the best european baby formulas that may help you with diarrhea: Hipp Comfort, Hipp Combiotik or Loulouka:

Do not forget that you cannot always stop or prevent diarrhea. But you can help your baby feel more comfortable. In more cases it gets better by its own without any medications. You can easy your baby’s discomfort with:

  • Offering lots of liquids. Continue breastfeeding or formula feeding.
  • Changing the diaper often. It helps to prevent from diaper rash. Try to keep your baby's diaper area as clean and dry as possible.
  • Watching for dehydration.
  • Giving your baby cereal, banana or pasta. It may help soothe diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be dangerous for newborns and young children because it can lead to dehydration and weight loss. Call your doctor if:

  • You see white and red color; diarrhea should never be such colors.
  • Your child has a fever or other symptoms along with diarrhea.
  • Your child appears to be in pain.
  • Your baby has lots of vomiting.
  • Diarrhea that doesn’t get better after 24 hours.

It is normal to worry about your baby. But remember that babies and young children can have diarrhea about twice a year. It affects children who take infant formula, those who breastfeed, and babies who take a combination of breast milk and infant formula. 

It is all your motherhood experience. 

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