Sleep regressions. Do you know what does it mean? Or maybe do you know when does it happen and how long does it last? In this article, we want to give you the answers to all questions about sleep regression.
Sleep regression is a period, usually about two to four weeks, when your baby won’t sleep and wake up often at night.
Sleep regression can happen at any time, since it’s linked to unpredictable factors like disruptions in routines, teething pain, travelling and other.
The first sleep regression often happens when your baby is about 4 months old, and others might occur in the future. Since it’s the first, the 4-month sleep regression is often the hardest for parents. At this age the cause of baby sleep problems can be teething pain or excitement of rolling over for the first time.
The second period can happen when your baby is 6 months old. By this age your baby can sleep all night but may wake up only for snuggles. At this time, we recommend you to test a sleep training method.
Sleep regression can also happen when your baby is 8-10 months old. At this stage, most babies are making great strides physically – learning to crawl or to pull up. There’s also a lot of brain development happening at this stage. That’s why you can get more night waking at this period. However, some babies don’t start this sleep regression until they turn 9 months old. There is nothing wrong with your baby if sleep was fine at 8 months old but not at 9 months old.
Sometime between 9 to 12 months, babies start standing up. At around the one-year, others their first step. Reaching big milestones can cause temporary sleep problems.
Toddlers also often go through sleep regressions at around 18 months and 24 months. In addition, remember that most toddlers really aren’t ready to transition to just one nap a day until about 15-18 months old.
Sleep regression is a normal part in babies life. In the meantime, following a bedtime routine and sleep schedule help to reduce sleep problems.