Introducing solid food to your infant is one of the most important part of your baby’s first year. It is a big step for you and your baby. Giving their first taste of solid food is an exciting milestone, which you should start when your infant is around 4 and 6 months old. However, remember that every child is different. Therefore, it is important to look at the signs that your baby is developmentally ready. Look at the following clues:
- Your baby can sit
- Your infant can hold up the head
- Your little one shows the interest to table food
- Your child is able to open the mouth wide
If your baby is ready, check with pediatrician and start supplementing your baby’s diet.
In the beginning, your baby will only need a small amount of food before her usual feed. She may not know what to do at first. That is why introducing solids is more about getting her used to chewing and swallowing food. So let us have a look at more tips that help your baby discover solids:
- Choose the right time. The perfect time is the time that works the best for both of you. Start with one meal per day, then move up to two.
- During feedings, talk to your baby and help her through the process.
- Your baby should be in good mood.
- No need to rush. Give yourself and your baby lot of time for feedings. You will need it. Understand that starting solids takes time.
- Let your baby enjoy touching and holding the food.
- Show your baby how you eat. Babies copy their parents and other children.
- Do not worry about portion.
- Pay attention to rejection. If your baby reject new food, try it again another day.
- It is very important to know when it is time to stop feeding.
Most parents start by giving their baby single ingredient food without salt or sugar. The texture of the first food should be super smooth.
Here are good first food to start with:
- If you decided to start with cereal, choose whole-grain oat or whole-grain barley. To start with, mix a small amount of baby cereal with formula or breastmilk. Introduce only one food at time.
- Start with sweet potato or carrot. Then try peas or beans, which have stronger flavors. If your baby reject what you give her, try again the next day.
- You can start with mashed banana, apple or peach purees. For something different, try avocado. It is creamy and yummy.
After introducing this first food, you may add minced meat (chicken, lamb, turkey or beef), mashed eggs, yoghurt or cheese. It will make it different. Moreover, your baby will get used to other food.
There are no fast rules for a baby’s first solid food. It is important to offer a variety of fruits, vegetables and meat in any order. Your baby is getting used to different tastes.
You also shouldn't give your baby foods that won't dissolve in the mouth or can't be mashed with the gums. You should avoid giving infants honey, cow’s milk, nuts, seeds, raisins, hard candy, grapes, hard raw vegetables, popcorn and peanut butter. (In our next blog post, we will talk more about these food allergies.)
To sum up, remember that your baby will need time to get used to each new food’s taste, texture, and sensation. Enjoy your little one’s sticky face and hands. You are both building the foundation for a healthy food for the whole life.
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