The first tooth is really a big event in your baby’s life. It can be distressing, but there are few ways to make it easier for you little one. Every baby is different and you may have to try a few different things until you find something that works for your baby. You should get more information about teething and it will help your baby to go through it. Remember that teething can be painful, but is does not usually make baby sick.
Here are few tips how to help your teething baby:
- Teething baby love to chew. Let your baby chew as much as she wants. Chewing is even more effective when the object is cold.
- Try a cold spoon, pacifier or refrigerated teething toy or ring.
- Massage baby’s gums. You can do it with your clean finger, wet toothbrush or teething toys.
- Cold drinks. For babies over 6 months you can give a cools water in cup.
- Cold food. You can give your baby some frozen fruits in a baby feeder mesh bag. You should keep an eye on your baby.
- Give more attention to your baby. Extra kisses and patience are what a teething baby need. Play more with your little ones – playing can distract them from any pain in their gums.
- Pain relief. If no mentioned tips work, you can check with your pediatrician which acetaminophen you can give your baby.
- Avoid teething necklaces. Most pediatricians are against them. They think they are dangerous.
Start brushing your baby’s teeth with toothpaste as soon as their first milk tooth break through. Moreover, monitor your baby’s teeth with doctor. It will help you and your baby to soothe each new tooth that pops out.