Anex m/type — is a stroller for those who are constantly in motion and like off-road strolls. It includes all qualities that a great stroller must have: a combination of eco-friendly materials and high technologies. Straight forward in control, easy in maintenance, and comfortable for a child.👶
Why m/type Anex Baby Strollers?
✅Unique Colors & Design
✅High European Quality
✅Work with Most US Car Seats
✅Perfect Combination of Safety & Style
✅USA Children's Product Certification Tested & Approved
If you choose Anex m/type, your stroller will work with major US car seats brands, you just need to buy an adapter.
✔️Avionaut Pixel,
✔️ Maxi Cosi Citi,
✔️Maxi Cosi Pebble,
✔️Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix,
✔️Maxi Cosi Coral 360,
✔️Cybex Aton 5,
✔️Cybex Aton M,
✔️Cybex Aton Q,
✔️Cybex Cloud,
✔️Baby Trend,
✔️Be Safe Izi Go,
✔️ Nuna pipa,
✔️ Kiddy Evolution Pro 2,
✔️Kiddy Evoluna I-Size,
✔️Recaro Privia
** the compatibility of the car seats is determined solely by internal tests
While the child needs your love ❤️, Anex will take care of the rest.